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This is an extremely popular crossword puzzle in which for sure you will pass some great time and also keep your brain sharp with all the interesting crossword clues found on each day on The Guardian Cryptic Crossword puzzles. As you might see below are all the today’s The Guardian Cryptic Crossword Daily Puzzle questions.
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Crossword Title: The Guardian Cryptic Crossword 26947 Answers
The Guardian Cryptic Crossword 26947 Answers
- Tiny little child receiving letter from abroad
- Priest in tricky situation died, abandoned
- Amateur's first stitch around bottom of smock is wonky
- Conservative charged and humiliated
- Promised to deal with nasty Kent odour
- Penny rejected dead part of flower
- Doctor arranged yacht trips round island
- Pleased to get one lariat designed to catch old combatant
- Debauchee drinking good red stuff
- Sympathetic words for inflexible soprano
- Retired salesman sacked Nelson's workforce
- Get the better of unfashionable party
- Steered clear of wife tucking into cheese cooked by daughter
- Ready to cover the French correspondent's first exclusive
- Admission of guilt got by copper during dinner with father
- Badly need a key to one way of looking at things
- Keep going in Felixtowe Road
- Unsophisticated American joke by queen meeting drinks supplier
- A tin exploded over old Italian starter
- Fasten a turnip top to a sweet container
- Doctor maintained by benefit gets an easy ride
- Keep swapping joint of meat with coppers
- Plant found in bottomless pit by European with drill
- Revolutionary vetting Leonardo's second sketch
- Gorbachev's first lass not affected by his policy
- Female singer almost gets a milkshake
- Explanation of game with brother in charge
- Free toilets for the Home Counties!